Call for Papers
Annals of Information Systems (Springer)

Special Issue on Real World Data Mining Applications


Guest Editors

M. Abou-Nasr
Ford Motor Company
mabounas [at ]

S. Lessmann
University of Hamburg
lessmann [at]

R. Stahlbock
University of Hamburg
stahlbock [at]

G. M. Weiss
Fordham University
gweiss [at]

Data mining has experienced an explosion of interest over the last two decades, and has been established as a sound paradigm to derive knowledge from large, heterogeneous streams of data, often using computationally intensive methods. It continues to attract researchers and practitioners from multiple disciplines, including computer science, statistics, operations research, information systems and management science. Successful applications are represented in diverse domains such as corporate planning, medical decision making, bioinformatics, web-usage mining, text- and image recognition, direct marketing and credit scoring. The journal ‘Annals of Information Systems’ will devote a special issue to topics focused on real world data mining applications.

The special issue strives to explore the specific problems and solutions in real world data mining applications, in particular by making use of synergies between information systems and data mining. Contributions that elaborate the targeted real world applications and their significance rather than focusing solely on algorithmic aspects or theoretical approaches, are particularly encouraged. The special issue also serves as a special publication of the 2011 International Conference on Data Mining, DMIN’11 ( All conference attendees are encouraged to submit revised and extended versions of their manuscripts submitted to DMIN or other conferences. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Enterprise knowledge management/knowledge discovery
  • Corporate planning
  • Direct marketing
  • Credit scoring
  • Forecasting
  • Automotive applications
  • Medical decision making, diagnostics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Text and image recognition

Challenges to be addressed include but are not limited to:

  • Highly skewed data sets
  • Massive and high dimensional data sets
  • Non-stationary data
  • Unknown misclassification costs
  • Missing and noisy data
  • Business process issues

Review Process

Each manuscript has to comply with the journal’s typing instructions and will be peer-reviewed according to the usual standards of an esteemed international journal. Providing papers fit into the theme of the special issue, the quality and originality of the contribution will serve as major acceptance criteria for each submission. The editors of the special issue will first evaluate whether a manuscript has sufficient merit to be sent to referees for a detailed review. If not, the paper will be returned to the authors with a short explanation of the editors’ reasoning. To enable a timely publication of the special issue, papers which are unequivocally out of scope will be rejected without detailed review.

Important Dates 

Deadline for manuscripts: December 31, 2011 extended: February 29, 2012
Notification of authors:    February 29, 2012 + 2 months (extension) June 15, 2012 (approx.)
Revision due:   April 30, 2012 + 2 months (extension) July/August 2012 (approx.)


Submission Instructions

Manuscripts should be submitted in pdf format. Papers should provide a cover page containing paper title, authors – including indication of corresponding author – and a short statement of contribution (max. 100 words). It should also include a citation for the previously published work and a short description of the extensions made to the previously published version of the paper. The cover page can be submitted within the same pdf file as the main text. The manuscript must be typewritten in English and 1.5-spaced throughout using ample margins and A4 or US Letter format. Papers should not exceed 15 pages including abstract but excluding tables, figures and references. Please consult the editors if you need to extend this limit. Tables and figures should be inserted into the main body of the manuscript. Manuscripts previously published at a DMIN (or other) conference must provide substantially revised extensions of the previously published version and must include a different title.

All authors are strongly encouraged to employ the LaTeX text editing system for preparing their submissions. The Springer template for AoIS can be obtained from latex/llncs/latex2e/, detailed information on how to use this template are provided at: Camera-ready papers must comply with these formatting instructions and authors must be ready to submit the LaTeX source code of their final submissions. Other formats (e.g., MS Office, Open Office, etc.) cannot be accepted for camera-ready papers.

The submissions are handled by Microsoft's CMT (conference management toolkit). You can access the web-based AoIS-submission system here. Please follow the instructions on that website (i.e., register as author, etc.).

About AoIS

Annals of Information Systems Series
Published by Springer
Editors: Ramesh Sharda, Stefan Voß
ISSN: 1934-3221

AoIS comprises serialized volumes that address a specialized topic or a theme. AoIS publishes peer reviewed works in the analytical, technical as well as the organizational side of information systems. AoIS focuses on high quality scholarly publications. The numbered volumes are guest-edited by experts in a specific domain. Some volumes may be based upon refereed papers from selected conferences. AoIS volumes are available as individual books as well as a serialized collection. AoIS is allied with the "Integrated Series in Information Systems".

Download Download CfP AoIS Special Issue on Real World Data Mining Applications (pdf) - deadlines are not updated

Online Submission

Important Dates

Deadline for manuscripts:
December 31, 2011
extended: February 29, 2012
Notification of authors:   
February 29, 2012
+ 2 months (extension)

June 15, 2012 (approx.)

Revision due:  
April 30, 2012
+ 2 months (extension)

July/August 2012 (approx.)




Guest Editors:

M. Abou-Nasr


S. Lessmann


R. Stahlbock


G.M. Weiss






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