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   DMIN'11 Programme
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DMIN'11 Conference Programme/Schedule

(as of July 17 - updates due to cancellations and requests for re-scheduling etc. will be shown on this webpage,
not necessarily on the WORLDCOMP website, too).


First published version: June 15

Changes of that version are marked (bold red, NEW) in the current programme on this webpage.




                      DMIN'11 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE

            The 2011 International Conference on Data Mining

       Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 18-21, 2011

Note 1:
There are a number of other sessions (not listed as part of DMIN'11 schedule)
that are of potential interest to DMIN conference participants (sessions
belonging to other joint conferences in this event.) Therefore, you are
encouraged to also check the schedules for other joint conferences. In
particular, sessions in ICAI'11, BIOCOMP'11, GEM'11, IKE'11, & EEE'11,
discuss topics that are within the scope of DMIN; these have been scheduled
so that selected DMIN attendees can also participate in them.

Note 2:
Each conference is divided into a number of topical sessions. These sessions
are not necessarily scheduled in the same room/location. Therefore, conference
attendees are to check the location of the session(s) they wish to attend;
The conference room numbers (Locations) appear in this document.

July 17 July 17 July 17 July 17 July 17 July 17 July 17 July 17 July 17

03:00 - 09:00pm: REGISTRATION (Second Floor, Conference Lobby; 1-5)

July 18 July 18 July 18 July 18 July 18 July 18 July 18 July 18 July 18

6:30am - 5:00pm:  REGISTRATION (Second Floor, Conference Lobby: 1-5)

08:30 - 08:45am:  WORLDCOMP'11 Opening Remarks - July 18, Monday:
                  Prof. Hamid R. Arabnia (Chair, Steering Committee & Coordinator)
                  University of Georgia, Georgia, USA
                  (LOCATION: The Monte Carlo Theater)

08:50 - 09:45am:  Keynote Lecture 1 - July 18, Monday:
                  How Engineering Mathematics Can Improve Software
                  Prof. David Lorge Parnas, Ph.D.
                  Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Louvain, Lugano
                  Middle Road Software, Inc.; Professor Emeritus, McMaster University,
                  Canada and University of Limerick, Ireland;
                  Fellow of IEEE, ACM, RSC, CAE, GI; MRIA.
                  (LOCATION: The Monte Carlo Theater)

09:50 - 10:45am:  Keynote Lecture 2 - July 18, Monday:
                  The Nature of Cyber Security
                  Prof. Eugene H. Spafford
                  Executive Director, CERIAS (Center for Education and Research in
                  Information Assurance and Security);
                  Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA;
                  Fellow of IEEE, ACM, AAAS.
                  (LOCATION: The Monte Carlo Theater)

10:50 - 11:45am:  Keynote Lecture 3 - July 18, Monday:
                  Changing Lives Around the World: the Power of Technology
                  Dr. Sandeep Chatterjee
                  World Economic Forum's Young Global Leader for 2011;
                  Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace Systems, Inc.
                  (LOCATION: The Monte Carlo Theater)

11:45a - 12:00p:  European Research Council (ERC) and its Research Funding Opportunities
                  Speaker: TBA: project adviser, European Research Council Executive
                  Agency (ERCEA)
                  (LOCATION: The Monte Carlo Theater)

12:00 - 01:00pm:  LUNCH (On Your Own)

01:00 - 01:20pm:  DMIN Opening Remarks
                  Dr. Robert Stahlbock
                  University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
                  (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

01:20 - 03:00pm:  Invited Talk: Connecting the dots for personalized healthcare
                  Dr. Nitesh V. Chawla
                  Director, Data Inference Analysis & Learning Lab (DIAL);
                  Co-Director, Interdisciplinary Center of the Network Science &
                  Applications (iCenSA), University of Notre Dame, USA
                  Smart Phone-Based Data Mining
                  Dr. Gary M. Weiss
                  Fordham University, USA
                  (approx. 40 min)
                  Data Mining - Decision Support in Container Logistics
                  Dr. Robert Stahlbock
                  University of Hamburg, Germany
                  (approx. 40 min)
                  (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

03:00 - 03:20pm:  BREAK

                  Co-Chairs: Drs. Mahmoud Abou-Nasr and Robert Stahlbock
                  July 18, 2011 (Monday); 03:20pm - 05:00pm
                  (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

03:20 - 03:40pm:  Three Different Paradigms for Interactive Data Clustering
                  Terje Kristensen
                  Bergen University College, Norway

03:40 - 04:00pm:  Breast Cancer Risk Score: a Data Mining Approach to Improve Readability
                  Emilien Gauthier, Laurent Brisson, Philippe Lenca, Stephane Ragusa
                  Institut Telecom, Telecom Bretagne Statlife, France

04:00 - 04:20pm:  Soft-sensors for Real-time Monitoring and Control of a Black Liquor
NO SHOW           Concentration Process
                  Mouloud Amazouz
                  Natural Resources Canada, Canada

04:20 - 04:40pm:  A Real Application on Non-technical Losses Detection: the MIDAS Project
                  Juan Guerrero Alonso, Carlos Leon, Felix Biscarri, Inigo Monedero,
                  Jesus Biscarri, and Rocio Millan
                  University of Seville, Spain

04:40 - 05:00pm:  Position of Gateway Drugs in the Spectrum of Adolescent Drug-Use
                  Initiation in Indiana
                  Ahmed YoussefAgha and Wasantha Jayawardene
                  Indiana University, USA

06:00 - 09:00pm:  TUTORIALS
                  (Please see the lists at the begining of this booklet)

                  July 18 - Monday; 09:10 - 11:30pm
                  (LOCATION: Ballrooms 1-5)

July 19 July 19 July 19 July 19 July 19 July 19 July 19 July 19 July 19

6:45am - 5:00pm:  REGISTRATION (Second Floor, Conference Lobby: 1-5)

                  Co-Chairs: Drs. Mahmoud Abou-Nasr and Robert Stahlbock
                  July 19, 2011 (Tuesday); 08:00am - 10:20am
                  (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

08:00 - 08:20am:  Pattern-based Aggregation of Named Entity Extractors
NEW               Tracy Lemmond, Paul Kidwell, Kofi Boakye, Nathan Perry, Joseph Guensche,
                  John Nitao, William Hanley, Ryan Prenger, and Ronald Glaser
                  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, USA
		  moved from July 20, Session 6-DMIN, 12:00 - 12:20pm, upon authors' request

08:20 - 08:40am:  Mining Association Rules from Responded Questionnaire of Sanitary
NEW               Education Guidance
                  Yo-Ping Huang, Zheng-Hong Deng, and Shan-Shan Wang
                  National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
		  moved from July 21, Session 7-DMIN, 08:40 - 09:00am, upon authors' request

08:40 - 09:00am:  FREE SLOT
NEW               Handling of Numeric Ranges for Graph-Based Knowledge Discovery
                  Oscar Romero, Lawrence Holder, Jesus A. Gonzalez B.
                  INAOE, Mexico; Washington State University, Washington, USA

09:00 - 09:20am:  Sobek: a Text Mining Tool for Educational Applications
                  Eliseo Reategui, Daniel Epstein, Miriam Noering Klemann,
                  and Alexandre Lorenzatti
                  PGIE, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

09:20 - 09:40am:  Domain Specific Services for Continuous Diagnosis in the Context of
NO SHOW           Ambient Assisted Living - AAL
                  Bjoern-Helge Busch
                  Leuphana University of Lueneburg Institute VauST, Germany

09:40 - 10:00am:  Bankruptcy Prediction in Banks by Principal Component Analysis
                  Threshold Accepting Trained Wavelet
                  N Vasu Madireddi and Ravi Vadlamani
                  IDRBT, India

10:00 - 10:20am:  Bankruptcy Prediction with Missing Data
                  Qi Yu, Amaury Lendasse, Eric Severin
                  Aalto University, Finland

10:20 - 10:40am:  BREAK

                  Co-Chairs: Drs. Wolfram-M. Lippe and Robert Stahlbock
                  July 19, 2011 (Tuesday); 10:40am - 12:20pm
                  (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

10:40 - 11:00am:  Constrained Multi-Label Classification: A Semidefinition Programming Approach
                  Hui Wu and Guangzhi Qu
                  Oakland University, USA

11:00 - 11:20am:  An Empirical Study of Noise Impacts on Supervised Learning Algorithms
                  and Measures
                  Victor Sheng, Rahul Tada, and Abhinav Atla
                  University of Central Arkansas, Arkansas, USA

11:20 - 11:40am:  Probabilistic Vector Machine
                  Andrei Sucila and Henri Luchian
                  "Al. I. Cuza" University, Romania

11:40 - 12:00pm:  Comparison of Single Image Processing and Bilateral Image Feature
NO SHOW           Subtraction in Breast Cancer ...
                  Aijuan Dong
                  Hood College, USA

12:00 - 12:20pm:  On Sample Selection Bias in Large-Scale Online Stream Mining: a Model
NO SHOW           Indexing Approach
                  Xiong Deng, Moustafa Ghanem, and Yike Guo
                  Imperial College, University of London, London, UK

12:20 - 01:20pm:  LUNCH (On Your Own)

01:20 - 03:00pm:  Invited Talk: Data Mining and Privacy - Water and Fire?
                  Dr. Peter Geczy
                  National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST),
                  Japan (Formerly at RIKEN)
                  (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

03:00 - 03:20pm:  BREAK

                  Co-Chairs: Drs. Gary M. Weiss, and Robert Stahlbock
                  July 19, 2011 (Tuesday); 03:20pm - 06:00pm
                  (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

03:20 - 03:40pm:  Privacy-Preserving Profiling
                  Thomas Barnard and Adam Prugel-Bennett
                  University of Southampton, UK

03:40 - 04:00pm:  Constrained Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Data Privacy
                  Nirmal Thapa
                  University of Kentucky, Kentucky, USA

04:00 - 04:20pm:  Finding Perfect-Predictor Feature Sets for Supervised Classification
                  Using Genetic Algorithms
                  Alexander Liu and Cheryl Martin
                  University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA

04:20 - 04:40pm:  On Selecting the Number of Bins for a Histogram
                  Sai Venu Gopal Lolla and Lawrence Hoberock
                  Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma, USA

04:40 - 05:00pm:  FREE SLOT
NEW               Modeling Functional Outliers for High Frequency Time Series Forecasting
                  with Neural Networks ...
                  Nikolaos Kourentzes
                  Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK

05:00 - 05:20pm:  Example Labeling Difficulty within Repeated Labeling
                  Victor Sheng
                  University of Central Arkansas, Arkansas, USA

05:20 - 05:40pm:  FREE SLOT
NEW               Feature Selection with Hybrid Mutual Information and Genetic Algorithm
                  Vahid Chahkandi, Mehrdad Jalali, and Mahsa Mirshahi
                  Azad University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

05:40 - 06:00pm:  FREE SLOT

06:00 - 09:00pm:  TUTORIALS
                  (Please see the lists at the begining of this booklet)

July 20 July 20 July 20 July 20 July 20 July 20 July 20 July 20 July 20

6:45am - 5:00pm:  REGISTRATION (Second Floor, Conference Lobby: 1-5)

                  Co-Chairs: Drs. Philippe Lenca, and Robert Stahlbock
                  July 20, 2011 (Wednesday); 08:00am - 10:20am
                  (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

08:00 - 08:20am:  FREE SLOT
08:20 - 08:40am:  FREE SLOT
NEW               Clustering Approach Based On Von Neumann Topology Artificial Bee
                  Colony Algorithm
                  Wenping Zou, Yunlong Zhu, Hanning Chen, and Tao Ku
                  Key Laboratory of Industrial Informatics, Shenyang, P. R. China

08:40 - 09:00am:  Hierarchical Random Graph for Networks with Weighted Edges and Multiple
                  Edge Attributes
                  David Allen, Tsai-Ching Lu, Dave Huber, and Hankyu Moon
                  HRL Laboratories, LLC

09:00 - 09:20am:  Casino Fraud Data Mining
                  Woodley Robert, Warren Noll, Kevin Shallenberger
                  21st Century Systems, Inc., USA

09:20 - 09:40am:  A Clustering Approach to Unsupervised Attack Detection in Collaborative
NEW               Recommender Systems
                  Runa Bhaumik, Bamshad Mobasher, and Robin Burke
                  Depaul University, USA
		  moved from Session 7-DMIN, 08:20-08:40am upon authors' request
NEW		  A Case Study on Clustering and Mining Business Processes at a University
                  Pedro Esposito, Marco Vaz, Jano Souza, and Luciano Terres
                  Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
		  moved to Session 7-DMIN, July 21, 08:20-08:40am, upon authors' request
09:40 - 10:00am:  FREE SLOT
NEW               Centrality Preservation in Anonymized Social Networks
                  Traian Marius Truta, Alina Campan, Ashley Gasmi, Nicholas Cooper,
                  and Andrew Elstun
                  Northern Kentucky University, Kentucky, USA
		  Please download the slides here.

10:00 - 10:20am:  Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Networks Based on Quantum Subtractive Clustering
NO SHOW           Ali Mousavi, Mehrdad Jalali, and Mahdi Yaghoubi
                  Azad University of Mashad, Mashad, Iran

10:20 - 10:40am:  BREAK

                  Co-Chairs: Drs. Mahmoud Abou-Nasr and Robert Stahlbock
                  July 20, 2011 (Wednesday); 10:40am - 12:20pm
                  (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

10:40 - 11:00am:  Ant Colony Optimization with Ant's Individual Memory
                  Inoue Hiroki and Kato Yasuhiko
                  Kumamoto Gakuen University, Japan

11:00 - 11:20am:  Facial Nerve Stream Trajectory Data Modelling and Visualization
                  Jalel Akaichi (Bouali Hanen)
                  University of Tunis, Tunisia

11:20 - 11:40am:  A Framework for Detecting Vulnerable, Cascaded Fuzzy Cycles in the
                  Carbon Chain
                  James Buckley and Jennifer Seitzer
                  University of Dayton, Ohio, USA

11:40 - 12:00pm:  Noise Tolerant Active Learning
                  Osoda Tsutomu and Miyano Satoru
                  The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

12:00 - 12:20pm:  Pattern-based Aggregation of Named Entity Extractors
NEW               Tracy Lemmond, Paul Kidwell, Kofi Boakye, Nathan Perry, Joseph Guensche,
                  John Nitao, William Hanley, Ryan Prenger, and Ronald Glaser
                  Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, USA
		  moved to Session 2-DMIN, July 19, 08:00-08:20am, upon authors' request
NEW               Statistical Procedure For Simultaneous Testing of Many Hypothesis
NO SHOW           Gurpreet Bawa
                  Panjab University, India
12:20 - 01:20pm:  LUNCH (On Your Own)

01:20 - 03:00pm:  During this period, DMIN attendees are encouraged to participate
                  in sessions belonging to ICAI'11, BIOCOMP'11, GEM'11, IKE'11,
                  or EEE'11. These sessions discuss topics that significantly overlap
                  the scope of DMIN'11.

03:00 - 03:40pm:  DISCUSSION/POSTER SESSION A-DMIN (Refreshments will be available)
                  July 20, 2011 (Wednesday)
                  (LOCATION: Hallways of Ballrooms 1-5)

                  O. A Secure Knowledge Discovery Framework for Clinical Informatics
                     Yueh-Hsun Shih, Chung-Yueh Lien, Chia-Hung Hsiao, and Woei-Chyn Chu
                     National Yang Ming University, Taiwan
                  O. Incremental Classification Based on Association Rules Algorithm (ICBA)
                     Sararak Tanarat and Worapoj Kreesuradej
                     King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Bangkok, Thailand
                  O. Objective Words Can Improve Sentiment Classification for Word of Mouth
                     Chihli Hung, Chih-Fong Tsai, Hao-Kai Lin
                     Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
                  O. An Approach to Selecting Proper Dimensions for Noisy Data
                     Yong Shi, Jerry Meisner
                     Kennesaw State University, Georgia, USA
                  O. Stable Clustering of Temporal Gene Expression Data
                     Gaolin Zheng Milledge
                     North Carolina Central University, North Carolina, USA
                  O. Capstone Project: Event Monitoring and Alerting System (EMAS)
                     Wook-Sung Yoo
                     Fairfield University, Connecticut, USA
                  O. Simple R-Tree for Temporal Searches
                     Paul te Braak
                     Queensland University Of Technology, Australia

03:40 - 06:00pm:  During this period, DMIN attendees are encouraged to participate
                  in sessions belonging to ICAI'11, BIOCOMP'11, GEM'11, IKE'11,
                  or EEE'11. These sessions discuss topics that significantly overlap
                  the scope of DMIN'11.

06:00 - 09:00pm:  TUTORIALS
                  (Please see the lists at the begining of this booklet)

July 21 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 21 July 21

6:45am - 4:00pm:  REGISTRATION (Second Floor, Conference Lobby: 1-5)

                  Co-Chairs: Drs. Philippe Lenca, and Robert Stahlbock
                  July 21, 2011 (Thursday); 08:00am - 10:20am
                  (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

08:00 - 08:20am:  FREE SLOT

08:20 - 08:40am:  FREE SLOT
NEW               A Clustering Approach to Unsupervised Attack Detection in Collaborative
                  Recommender Systems
                  Runa Bhaumik, Bamshad Mobasher, and Robin Burke
                  Depaul University, USA
		  moved to Session 5-DMIN, July 20, 09:20-09:40am, upon authors' request

08:40 - 09:00am:  A Case Study on Clustering and Mining Business Processes at a University
NEW		  Pedro Esposito, Marco Vaz, Jano Souza, and Luciano Terres
                  Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
		  moved from Session 5-DMIN, 09:20-09:40am upon authors' request
                  Mining Association Rules from Responded Questionnaire of Sanitary
                  Education Guidance
                  Yo-Ping Huang, Zheng-Hong Deng, and Shan-Shan Wang
                  National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
		  moved to Session 2, 08:20-08:40am upon authors' request

09:00 - 09:20am:  A New Approach to Present Prototypes in Clustering of Time Series
                  Saeed Reza Aghabozorgi Sahaf Yazdi, Teh Ying Wah, Amineh Amini,
                  and Mahmud Reza Saybani
                  University of Malaya, Malaysia

09:20 - 09:40am:  Modularity and Spectral Co-Clustering for Categorical Data
                  Lazhar Labiod and Mohamed Nadif
                  LIPADE University of Paris Descartes, France

09:40 - 10:00am:  An EM-based Multi-Step Piecewise Surface Regression Learning Algorithm
                  Juan Luo and Alexander Brodsky
                  George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA

10:00 - 10:20am:  Mining Frequent Item Sets Efficiently by Using Compression Techniques
NO SHOW           Selim Mimaroglu
                  Bahcesehir University, Turkey

10:20 - 10:40am:  BREAK

                  Co-Chairs: Drs. Gary M. Weiss, and Robert Stahlbock
                  July 21, 2011 (Thursday); 10:40am - 12:00pm
                  (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

10:40 - 11:00am:  Sentiment Detection with Character n-Grams
NO SHOW           Gunther Heidemann and Sebastian Klenk
                  University of Stuttgart, Germany

11:00 - 11:20am:  An Optimization Framework for Process Discovery Algorithms
                  Ton Weijters
                  Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

11:20 - 11:40am:  Perspective of Feature Selection Techniques in Bioinformatics
                  Satish Kumar and Mohammad Khalid Siddiqui
                  King Saud University, Saudi Arabia

11:40 - 12:00pm:  A Novel Soft Computing Hybrid for Data Imputation
                  Ankaiah Narravula and Ravi Vadlamani
                  IDRBT, India

12:00 - 12:20pm:  DMIN Closing Remarks
                  Dr. Robert Stahlbock
                  (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

12:20 - 01:20pm:  LUNCH (On Your Own)

01:20 - 06:00pm:  During this period, DMIN attendees are encouraged to participate
                  in sessions belonging to ICAI'11, BIOCOMP'11, GEM'11, IKE'11,
                  or EEE'11. These sessions discuss topics that significantly overlap
                  the scope of DMIN'11.



These talks are in addition to the focused keynotes/invited talks that appear in
the individual conference schedules. The talks are open to all attendees and are
scheduled in a way that various targeted attendees can attend/participate in them.

O.  How Engineering Mathematics can Improve Software
    Prof. David Lorge Parnas, Ph.D.
    Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Louvain, Lugano
    Organization: Middle Road Software, Inc.
    Professor Emeritus, McMaster University, Canada & University of Limerick, Ireland
    Fellow of IEEE, ACM, RSC, CAE, GI; MRIA
    Date and Time: July 18 (Monday), 2011; 08:50 - 09:45am
    (LOCATION: The Monte Carlo Theater)

O.  The Nature of Cyber Security
    Prof. Eugene H. Spafford
    Executive Director, CERIAS (Center for Education and Research in Information
    Assurance and Security);
    Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA;
    Fellow of IEEE, ACM, AAAS.
    Date and Time: July 18 (Monday), 2011; 09:50 - 10:45am
    (LOCATION: The Monte Carlo Theater)

O.  Changing Lives Around the World: the Power of Technology
    Dr. Sandeep Chatterjee
    World Economic Forum's Young Global Leader for 2011;
    Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace Systems, Inc.
    Date and Time: July 18 (Monday), 2011; 10:50 - 11:45am
    (LOCATION: The Monte Carlo Theater)

O.  European Research Council (ERC) and its Research Funding Opportunities
    Speaker: TBA: project adviser, European Research Council Executive
    Agency (ERCEA)
    Date and Time: July 18 (Monday), 2011; 11:45am - 12:00pm
    (LOCATION: The Monte Carlo Theater)

O.  Connecting the Dots for Personalized Healthcare
    Dr. Nitesh V. Chawla
    Director, Data Inference Analysis and Learning Lab (DIAL);
    Co-Director, Interdisciplinary Center of the Network Science & Applications;
    Ed. Board, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics;
    University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA
    Date and Time: July 18 (Monday), 2011; 01:20 - 02:20pm
    (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

O.  Data Mining and Privacy: Water and Fire?
    Dr. Peter Geczy
    Chief Scientist, The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
    Technology (AIST);
    Date and Time: July 19 (Tuesday), 2011; 01:20 - 02:20pm
    (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

O.  Verifying the Authorship of Embedded IP Cores: Watermarking and Core
    Identification Techniques
    Prof. Jurgen Teich
    Chair, Hardware/Software Co-Design, Department of Computer Science,
    Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg; University of
    Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
    Date and Time: July 19, 2011; 10:40am - 11:10am
    (LOCATION: Gold Room)

O.  Logic Design for Access Control, Security, Trust, and Assurance
    Prof. Shiu-Kai Chin
    Director, Center for Information and Systems Assurance and Trust;
    Member of the National Institute of Justice's Electronic Crime Technical
    Working Group; Syracuse University, New York, USA
    Date and Time: July 19, 2011; 11:20am - 11:50am
    (LOCATION: Gold Room)

O.  Grounding Trust
    Prof. Cynthia Irvine
    Naval Postgraduate School, USA
    Director, Center for Information Systems Security Studies and Research (CISR);
    Chair, The Cyber Security and Operations Academic Committee;
    Chair, IEEE TC on Security and Privacy
    Date and Time: July 19, 2011; 11:50am - 12:20pm
    (LOCATION: Gold Room)

O.  Next Generation Sequencing Data Processing: How reconfigurable computing can help?
    Prof. Dominique Lavenier
    IRISA, Campus de Beaulieu, France
    Prof. at ENS Cachan, Ker Lann; Dir. CNRS, Team Leader at Bioinformatics Group
    - IRISA - INRIA, France
    Date and Time: July 19, 2011; 02:30pm - 03:00pm
    (LOCATION: Gold Room)

O.  Reconfigurable and Evolvable Architectures and their role in Designing
    Computational Systems
    Prof. AM Tyrrell
    Chair, Digital Electronics, Electronics Department; Head, Intelligent Systems
    research group; University of York, UK
    Fellow of the IET
    Date and Time: July 19, 2011; 03:20pm - 03:50pm
    (LOCATION: Gold Room)

O.  A New Approach to Control and Guide the Mapping of Computations to FPGAs
    Joao M. P. Cardoso
    University of Porto, Portugal
    Date and Time: July 20, 2011; 09:10am - 09:40am
    (LOCATION: Gold Room)

O.  i Core: A Run-time Adaptive Processor for Embedded Multi-core Systems
    Prof. Jorg Henkel
    Chair, Embedded Systems CES; Chair, IEEE Computer Society, Germany Section;
    Editor-in-Chief, ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (ACM TECS);
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
    Date and Time: July 20, 2011; 09:50am - 10:20am
    (LOCATION: Gold Room)

O.  NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence: Introduction
    Prof. Peeter Lorents
    Research and Development Branch Chief, NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence
    Centre of Excellence
    Date and Time: July 20, 2011; 06:00pm - 07:00pm
    (LOCATION: Ballroom 5)


                              PLANNED TUTORIALS

O.  Robust Resource Management for Parallel and Distributed Comuting Systems
    Professor H. J. Siegel
    Abell Endowed Chair Distinguished Professor of Electrical & Computer
    Engineering and Professor of Computer Science; Director, CSU Information
    Science and Technology Center (ISTeC); Colorado State University,
    Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
    Date and Time: July 18 (Monday), 2011; 5:45 - 8:45pm
    (LOCATION: Ballroom 6)

O.  Developing Enterprise Web Services and Mobile/Wireless Systems
    Dr. Sandeep Chatterjee
    World Economic Forum's Young Global Leader for 2011;
    Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace Systems, Inc.
    Date and Time: July 18 (Monday), 2011; 5:45 - 8:45pm
    (LOCATION: Ballroom 7)

O.  Cybersecurity Tools
    Professor George Markowsky
    Professor and Chair, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, USA
    Date and Time: July 18 (Monday), 2011; 5:45 - 8:45pm
    (LOCATION: Copper Room)

O.  Geometric Tools for Identifying Structure in Large Social and Information
    Dr. Michael Mahoney
    Stanford University, California, USA
    (Formerly: a faculty member at Yale University and a researcher at Yahoo)
    Date and Time: July 18 (Monday), 2011; 5:45 - 8:15pm
    (LOCATION: Platinum Room)

O.  A Run-Time Evolvable Hardware
    Prof. Jim Torresen
    University of Oslo, Norway; Visiting Professor at Cornell University, USA
    Date and Time: July 18, 2011; 05:30pm - 07:00pm
    (LOCATION: Gold Room)


O.  Redundant Robots: The Promise of Human-Like Dexterity
    Professor Anthony A. Maciejewski
    Fellow of IEEE, Professor and Head, Department of Electrical and Computer
    Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
    Date and Time: July 19 (Tuesday), 2011; 6:00 - 9:00pm
    (LOCATION: Ballroom 2)

O.  Smart Phone-Based Data Mining
    Dr. Gary M. Weiss
    Fordham University, USA
    Date and Time: July 19 (Tuesday), 2011; 6:00 - 8:30pm
    (LOCATION: Ballroom 1)

O.  First Programming Language in CS Education - The Argument For Scala
    Dr. Mark C. Lewis
    Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, USA
    Date and Time: July 19 (Tuesday), 2011; 6:00 - 9:00pm
    (LOCATION: Ballroom 4)

O.  Brain Imaging and Image Guidance for Brain Cancer Treatment
    Dr. Akash Kumar Singh
    IBM, Advisory IT Architect, California, USA
    Date and Time: July 19 (Tuesday), 2011; 6:00 - 9:00pm
    (LOCATION: Ballroom 3)


O.  Application Design and Development with C#
    Professor Ray Kresman
    Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio, USA
    Date and Time: July 20 (Wednesday), 2011; 6:00 - 9:00pm
    (LOCATION: Gold Room)

O.  Scala, Your Next Programming Language (or if it is good enough for Twitter, it
    is good enough for me)
    Dr. Mark C. Lewis
    Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, USA
    Date and Time: July 20 (Wednesday), 2011; 6:00 - 9:00pm
    (LOCATION: Ballroom 2)

O.  Introduction to Cryptography
    Dr. Asoke Nath and Ms. Joyshree Nath
    St. Xavier's College (Atonomous), West Bengal, India and
    Calcutta University, Kolkata, India
    Date and Time: July 20 (Wednesday), 2011; 6:00 - 9:00pm
    (LOCATION: Ballroom 4)

O.  Unraveling the Hidden Treasures of Research Avenues in Object-Oriented Technology
    Prof. Shivanand M. Handigund
    Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India
    Date and Time: July 20, 2011; 06:00pm - 09:00pm
    (LOCATION: Copper Room)






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Can I chair a Special Session?
December 7, 2010                      
You are invited to organize and chair a special session or workshop at DMIN'11.
The names of technical session/workshop organizers will appear on the cover of the proceedings/books as Associate Editors. [more]
Can I present a Tutorial?
December 7, 2010                      
You are invited to organize and present a tutorial at DMIN'11.


Robert Stahlbock
General Conference Chair

E-mail: conference-chair@dmin--2011.com

Nikolaos Kourentzes

Programme Chair

E-mail: programme-chair@dmin--2011.com


This website is hosted by the Lancaster Centre for Forecasting at the Department of Management Science at Lancaster University Management School.




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