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DMIN'11 Conference Background

DMIN'11 is part of WORLDCOMP'09. DMIN'09 is an international conference held simultaneously with 21 other joint conferences as part of WORLDCOMP'11, The 2011 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing. WORLDCOMP'11 is one of the largest annual gatherings of researchers and practitioners in computer science, computer engineering and applied computing. Each of the joint conferences in WORLDCOMP is a premier conference for presentation of advances in their respective fields, held simultaneously in the same place to facilitate  cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer. In past years the conferences regularly attracted over 1,700 participants from over 80 countries. Participants range from established researchers on Professorial level, starting researchers (post-doc, PhD, Masters and Bachelor level) and contract researchers unto practitioners applying all aspects of data mining in private or public companies or research institutions. DMIN'11 attendees have full access to all sessions and tutorials of all 22 conferences (for the complete list of joint conferences [click here]).

DMIN'11 is a high quality conference. DMIN conferences have been ranked within the top 10 conferences in Data Mining worldwide and within the top 30% (no. 40 of 488 conferences) in the domain of 'Databases/Knowledge and Data Management/Data Security/Web/Mining' through an independent review at Computer Science Conference Rating. Considering this satisfactory review of its first year and our increasing efforts towards quality of the review process & programme etc. for the upcoming DMIN'09 you can look forward to participating & attending a leading international conference! The proceedings of the 2006 DMIN are now online available for evaluation [DMIN'06 online proceedings], the proceedings of DMIN'07 are available online as well (see information below). Please do not confuse DMIN with other "multi-conferences" with 100% acceptance rates - we conduct a thorough & objective review process through leading academics & practitioners, although with higher acceptance rates then KDD, ICDM, PAKDD or other exclusive first-tier conferences.

DMIN'11 provides high-quality publications. All accepted papers will be published in the respective conference proceedings. Each conference will have its own proceedings. All conference proceedings/books are considered for inclusion in major database indexes that are designed to provide easy access to the current literature of the sciences (in the past 3 years these included DBLP, ISI Thomson Scientific, IEE INSPEC and many more).





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Robert Stahlbock
General Conference Chair

E-mail: conference-chair@dmin--2011.com

Nikolaos Kourentzes

Programme Chair

E-mail: programme-chair@dmin--2011.com


This website is hosted by the Lancaster Centre for Forecasting at the Department of Management Science at Lancaster University Management School.




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